Do You Know Your EDCs?
EDCs are substances in the environment, food sources, personal care products, and manufactured products that interfere with the normal function of the body’s endocrine system.
Know Your Protein Powder
Almost everyone has a tub of protein powder in their house. Marketed and commonly seen as a healthful addition to your diet, protein powders are…
Oestrogen Dominance
Oestrogen dominance is a common hormonal imbalance that plays a role in PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, cystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, breast cancer & other non-reproductive…
Is THIS Why You Can't Lose Weight?
Are you struggling to lose weight? You’re tracking your calories and making sure you’re in a caloric deficit, but nothing is changing? Perhaps there’s something…
Banish the Bloat
Do you suffer from bloating, reflux, inconsistent bowels, excess gurgling or some other type of digestive complaint? Before searching for a digestive supplement or google-diagnosing
Problems with The Pill
Birth control pills (aka the pill) are an extremely common medication used by women. Whether it be as a form of contraception or to treat
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is one of the most widely studied meditation and relaxation programs worldwide. Many people who practice TM describe it as being the most
Five Seed Crackers
The name of these crackers says it all. They’re made purely from seeds and are packed with protein, healthy fats, minerals, B vitamins and fibre.
EMF Radiation: What it is and How to Protect Yourself
When we think about radiation, we often think of significant exposures such as a nuclear fallout. However, there are much smaller levels of radiation that
Raw Salted Caramel & Chocolate Cheesecake
This dessert ticks just about every box. It’s raw, gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, vegan and paleo friendly. A delicious dessert made with
Acne: Common Causes and Natural Ways to Manage It
Acne vulgaris (acne) is a common skin condition affecting the pilosebaceous units of the skin. The four main factors that contribute to this condition are
Reducing Your Toxic Burden: Part Two
The industrialisation of society has led us to be exposed to increasing levels of toxins, many of which are known to be harmful over time.
Reducing Your Toxic Burden: Part One
The industrialisation of society has led us to be exposed to increasing levels of toxins, many of which are known to be harmful over time.
Savoury Green Pancakes
I’m yet to meet someone who doesn’t like pancakes. Why not try something a little different and whip up a batch of savoury green pancakes?
The Benefits of Activating Nuts and a Raw Raspberry & White Choc Cheesecake Recipe
As far as nutrient-dense foods go, nuts and seeds are pretty high on the list. They are rich in protein, healthy fats, fibre, vitamin E
Raw Turmeric Latte Tarts
My love affair with turmeric continues with these turmeric latte tarts. I could honestly go on forever about the medicinal value of turmeric so the
Creamy Lemon Tahini Dressing
A good dressing can take your meals to a whole new level and this one is a ripper! Not only does it taste amazing, but
Treating Digestive Complaints with Chamomile
The digestive system is an extremely important part of the human body. It helps break food down into smaller particles that can be easily absorbed
Raw Lemon & Blueberry Slice
I love lemons and incorporate them into so much of my cooking. A lot of people don’t know that even though lemons are acidic, they
Staying Fit and Healthy in Winter
As the cold weather sets in and the days get darker and gloomier, it’s easy to lose motivation and neglect your health and fitness regime.